divendres, 21 de novembre del 2014

Hellooooo!! Today is the world hello day!

The purpose of World Hello Day is simple: to promote peace all over the world, and bridge barriers between every nationality! The day began in 1973 in response to the conflict between Israel and Egypt and since then over 180 countries have taken part in the event. Taking part is easy. All you have to do is say hello and give a good day greeting to at least 10 people you meet! Of course this can be family and friends, but be brave! say hello to strangers and people in the street. We can only achieve a peaceful world if we join together. The key is communication and showing our world leaders that we should try to create peace through talking - not through being violent to one another!

dijous, 16 d’octubre del 2014

Audios The Princess and the Witch and Thanksgiving

Practice the story The Princess and the Witch (3rd grade) and Thanksgiving (4th grade). Here you are the audios. Click on the links above.

The Princess and the Witch (3rd grade)
Thanksgiving (4th grade)

divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014

Welcome to Ponent Kylie!!

This school year Kylie is going to help us to learn English.She is the new speaker assistant. She is American and she is from Iowa. This week she showed us some pictures about her family,her house ,her pet ...Look at them!! They are great!!

diumenge, 27 d’abril del 2014

The day Will will never forget

Cooperative learning activity: Listen to the music, draw a picture and pass the paper to your partner. The result will be a poster about the day Will will never forget!!!
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Hansel and Gretel puppets and some Easter cards for Turkey (3rd A-B)

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dijous, 27 de març del 2014

dimecres, 5 de febrer del 2014

Writing poems

Look at these acrostic name poems and Christmas diamond poems.Good job!!
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Vocabulary cards

We make vocabulary cards to Will's treasure chest.
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Will's treasure chest

We have finished our Will's treasure chests!
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