dimarts, 13 d’octubre del 2015

Welcome to Mallorca John!!!!

Thank you John!!

We love your photos about Madison, your family,
your travels...
And we really love your pets!!! Cubby and Ari!!

dimarts, 30 de juny del 2015

Fourth grade plays - Thanksgiving and The Wizard of Oz

We hope you enjoy watching our plays, as we did acting in theater.
Thanks for your atention and enjoy the summer!!!



dimarts, 7 d’abril del 2015

We are going on a bear hunt 6th B group 6

We are going on a bear hunt 6th B group 5

We are going on a bear hunt 6th B group 4

We are going on a bear hunt 6thB group 3

We are going on a bear hunt 6thB group 1

We are going on a bear hunt 6th B group 2

We are going on a bear hunt 6th A group 6

We are going on a bear hunt 6th A group 5

We are going on a bear hunt 6thA group 4

We are going on a bear hunt 6th A group 3

We are going on a bear hunt 6th A group 2

We are going on a bear hunt 6th A group 1

dilluns, 6 d’abril del 2015

We are going on a bear hunt

Pete the cat 5th B group 6

Pete the cat 5thB group 5

Pete the cat 5th B group 4

Pete the cat 5th B group 3

Pete the cat 5th B group 2

Pete the cat 5th B group 1

Pete the cat 5thA group 5

Pete the cat 5thA group 4

Pete the cat 5thA group 3

Pete the cat 5thA group 2

dimecres, 25 de març del 2015


Our last year eTwinning project WILL (Wonderful Ideas for Learning Languages ) has been selected as MONTH PROJECT!!
You can read the article here.http://www.etwinning.es/ca/projectes/projectes-destacats/957-will-wonderful-ideas-for-learning-languages

dilluns, 16 de febrer del 2015


A collaborative team environment is essential for the team's success.

diumenge, 8 de febrer del 2015

eTwinning plants

All Red Wizards really have green fingers!!!
Last Friday we planted the bulbs from Romania(Giurgiu),Poland and Greece.We also planted the daisy seeds from Slatina(Romania) and our Magic Begon seeds!!
Now all we keep fingers crossed waiting for a good growth!

dilluns, 2 de febrer del 2015

Audio plays The School Trip and The Wizard of Oz

Practice the story The School Trip (3rd grade) and The Wizard of Oz (4th grade). Here you are the audios. Click on the links above.

The School Trip
The Wizard of Oz (Scene 1, scene 2, scene 3, scene 4, scene 5, scene 6 and scene 7)

Hope you enjoy them!!!

dilluns, 26 de gener del 2015

WALL (Wizards at language learning) eTwinning project 2014-2015 MAKING IMPORTANT DECISIONS

Who are the wizards?

             Wizards leave from 8 different schools and fly to our new planet!

The wizards arrive at their new planet! Everything is blue! They are excited

What is the new planet like?

The name of the new planet is Wizzyland

The wizards build their new city. But what is the name of the city? WIZZVILLE 


The COUNCIL OF THE WISE consists of the Elderly Wizard and his 8 Deputies, one in each neighbourhood.

And the name of our Elderly Wizard is:

                                              Gothic text from pookatoo.com

All the wizards have chosen a Deputy Wizard who is responsible for the neighbourhood and its inhabitants.